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Esquire Magazine

2017.11.26 | Interview

Even if you don't want to do something, you seem to be the type of person who finds a lesson.

I am trying to do that. Anyway, let's do one thing.

From what I've heard, it seems like Lee Dong Wook has developed something unique for himself in 18 years.

Experience in the field? agility? There is definitely something like this.

The audience or critics who only watch the video may not recognize it, but I think there is something unique about Lee Dong Wook that the people who work with him can clearly understand.

When rehearsing or creating a route, I tend to express my opinions independently. although not to a certain extent. Many actors would be like that, but they are trained to move only within that frame when they ask ahead of time when they are filming and say "It's the west," "It's the bust," or "It's your shot." It has been building up for a long time.

I guess that's important. I am learning professional.

It is like a promise. It's a target shooting, but if I want to move a little more, I make an offer. I want to move a little more so I can look at the camera and offer to follow. In fact, it may not be very important. Most of the time, when an actor moves, everything follows. Still, the Korean drama environment is shooting multiple episodes overnight so speed is important and in that case my knowledge helps.

Do you inevitably stay up all night filming because the setting changes according to the ratings?

I do not know. I think it is unique to Korean dramas. Whether it's good or bad, if you do it this way, it's more lively and realistic, and it can reflect the times. But it is also changing a lot. Now, give me time to improve the level of perfection. Because "Goblin" started about three and a half months before the broadcast.

It is an obvious question for men. What is the most important thing for a man?

You look at yourself coldly. Our representative always tells us. "Why are you always like this? you're a little better than you think. There's no need to be so insensitive about your situation or anything like that. "

I think Lee Dong Wook's non-intoxicated coolness is a great asset both as an actor and as a human being. Lee Dong Wook in "Goblin" was also a sub-leader. Since he was not intoxicated with myself, I got involved in a job that the person in the lead role would not have done if he had increased his pride and produced very good results. This choice in itself is something to be proud of.

It is much more convenient for me to see myself coldly. That is the most important. On the other hand, trust is also important. That is very subtle. Be confident and look at yourself calmly.

As if you separated yourself from celebrities, did you separate the confident me and the cold-hearted me too?

It is always difficult. Anyway, I don't think it's a bad idea to keep thinking about living once. Sometimes I see it even when it becomes very intense, sometimes I have a cold heart and sometimes I am full of confidence to hear "why are you doing that?"

With Lee Dong Wook's 18-year career in the entertainment industry, what was the most difficult moment?

Just before going to the army. He was anxious. I have to do this job when I am discharged, but what if the scene becomes unfamiliar? Then you will not be able to adapt. Fortunately, I received an offer to appear on "Scent of a Woman" 3-4 months before my discharge. The day I was discharged, I immediately went to take a poster with me. I went out for the first shoot and my body just reacted. I have to stay like that because the light is like that. I did this casually and laughed to myself. It's no big deal. Two years in the army is not that long. I was sleepy just doesn't really matter.

Acting should be part of the body and I have been doing it for about 10 years now. Are you jealous too?

It is envy more than jealousy. I envy talent. I'm not good at singing, so I'm very envious of people who can sing well. I have quite a few singing friends. There is Hyoshin and there is Dadyu. Those friends make their own music. It's really amazing and I'm envious. How were you born with such a talent?

Actually, a person who makes music has a higher proportion of mine than an actor.

He is more active. Sometimes when I hear Hyoshin sing, I wonder what it feels like to sing like that. She can do any song she wants, but I can't. I also spoke with Hyoshin. "Is that good?" This is the answer. "What are you doing?" Because it is natural for that friend.

I think that way when I see models or celebrities doing photo shoots. How can I have about 20 people in front of me and the filming location is so cold that I can make a really cool expression like a photo shoot? What are these celebrities thinking right now in front of the camera? What were you thinking about while doing this photoshoot?

The wind is blowing too much. So how does the image come out?

Have you seen the image?

No. I barely saw it. I'm curious.

You said that you've been working with director Kim Young-joon for a long time. He did too, how do you think the session went?

He said I turned out really good today, so trust me.

Everyone in the session was happy because it went well. If you shoot in a studio, you know that filming ends in half a day. But this time, we went to an island where the yellow sand came with all the staff, which was relatively uncomfortable, and we shot hard. But the photos turned out very well. As a magazine publisher, thanks to us, we had a very good first door. The weather was nice, but most of all, it was thanks to Lee Dong Wook, who did a good job professionally. I am well aware that you have helped me positively in many ways.

In fact, it was a difficult shoot and there was a lot of wind, but anyway, if the results are good, it will be forgotten.

After a photographer and fashion editor creating images, I have my share. A pictorial is important, but writing also has a role to play if you want the pictorial to be remembered. If the pictorial is good, the fans will like it, and if the writing is good, non-fans will start reading it. In this interview, I wanted to show you and Lee Dong Wook the best of us. As I said before, I wanted to show that I am doing the best I can at my job in the interview.

As I speak, I keep thinking about envy. There are people who are good at acting in action, and there are people who are good at posing for photographs. I am proud of that.

What is your favorite film genre?

Right now, I like movies based on true stories. I really enjoyed "Spotlight", "American Made" and "Narcos". These seem to be the words of Lee Kyung-gyu, but the end of the entertainment is a documentary. It feels more like a story based on a true story.

So, I'm curious about the true heart of a professional celebrity. I think being a celebrity is something that should have a lot inside of me. At the same time that it is envy, you can roll down at any time. At the same time as a professional who has to sell me, I also have to become an artist who creates my world. It seems important to get all of those out of me. Usually when a child and I as an adult collide, it is enough to get rid of one of them. How does Lee Dong Wook maintain multiple aspects?

Wouldn't it be possible to keep it with a relatively less time constraint? Of course, I cooperate, but I do not take orders or orders from anyone. So, I do what I want to do, and if what I want to do is not accepted, I can argue fiercely about it. I think it could be because I live a life with a lot of space.

I felt the joy of this work where humans and humans come together again. And I think I realized that naturally. The result is not everything. No matter how hard I try and try, it is impossible to achieve the desired result. The result is the will of heaven. So, let's have fun and have fun.

Do you usually study a lot? I saw an article on "InStyle" that went to Dubai a few years ago. Lee Dong Wook's comment on the article was from someone who prepared too much in advance. The history of Dubai, the current situation and all these things, he was talking about himself.

Just watching the news and listening to it. I don't like to miss that. Should this also be called intellectual vanity? I have my own quota for a day of reading and feeling. I try to be aware of the main international news and issues.

It is not vanity. That is education. Are you watching the news without anyone telling you? Since when?

From the age of 20? Everything is useless. I only look at the Internet and read articles to be satisfied with myself. Anyway, I did that interview. I didn't know it well and was sulking again (laughs).

What do you mean? You seem to study a lot.

It's like my own intellectual vanity. He had very little college education. I went to the theater and film department at the university and kept working, so I didn't have enough days to attend. That's why I couldn't graduate from college, so I guess there's a complex that comes from that situation. I don't regret that. I am very satisfied that I started my social life before others. Fill your heart like this.

Even in this industry, there are people who could be called "reporters." He likes himself when he meets a celebrity and gets carried away interviewing celebrities. I can't be that kind of person. I met a celebrity by profession because she wanted to be a reporter for a magazine. That is why the story of Lee Dong Wook also attracts me.

So I think I talk a lot comfortably. He has been recording 1 hour and 43 minutes.

I thought that this interview was also part of the professionalism and that they worked very hard.

It was not funny. But do you hear all this? 1 hour and 43 minutes again?

It's our job to listen to everything, make a transcript, and add what's included and what's left out.

This is also one thing.

They are both sheep, but when I started doing it, I really hated hearing my voice.

That is very uncomfortable. I thought, "I'm using this word a lot."

Also, you can see my strange tongue habit. No, why do I speak so strangely? So I frown and do a transcript.

I also. During the V-App, without realizing it, I said, "Yes?" Continue with "ah", "yes" and "ah yes". I didn't really like it. I don't like to look bad. "Why are you there?", But only I know. The fans don't know.

Is it content created by Naver? I was a bit surprised that you were making the V-App. I think Lee Dong Wook is an actor who really works hard for fan service.

Seven months. There is a set in Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do.

If there is an opportunity, I always do. I don't really care about the rewards or the risks.

I'm more cautious than before, but that's the way it is. However, V-App was not such a risky attempt. Personally, I'm not very good at social media, but I got a lot of love from "Goblin" so I thought about what I could do to give it back a bit and communicate. At the time, the content called V App was just going live. I thought it might be fun at least once a month. When I was in the military, I hosted a radio show and it's good because it's similar to the radio format, so it's not onerous.

Don't fans like Lee Dong Wook no matter what he does?

I don't think that's the case (laughs). These days, if it's not for the fans, they say it's not.

What does it feel like to have a fan? You may see me as someone who just likes my image without even seeing me.

I'm not saying this because it's an interview, it's really the driving force. A great force that makes me roll. It is a tremendous power to have people like you when you do something.

Even if they don't know Lee Dong Wook, a natural person at all?

So I do it a lot naturally because I'm afraid that my fans will be disappointed in Lee Dong Wook, who is a natural person. I speak kindly to my fans, but I don't do that. Fans always come to the airport to take pictures. Whether it's a 9 a.m. flight or a flight at 1 p.m. Then "Don't you have a job?" You don't talk to fans like that. The fans tell me: "We all pay the monthly rent!" Because it's not my personality. It is convenient to communicate in this way.

The more I listen, the more Lee Dong Wook gets away with it.

During the "Vogue" interview, I asked fans to say something they wanted to say, so I said, "Celebrities don't feed me" and "I'm good at cursing." But my fans know me like that.

It is also Lee Dong Wook's own consideration and strategy.

What if I get stuck in the decoration? So when I do V-App, I try to be as much of myself as possible, but since I'm in front of the camera, it's smoother than usual Lee Dong Wook. I like it because the relationship between the fans and myself is very comfortable. Because I don't want the pretty image of a stereotypical celebrity. I can't show it like that. I am very happy to live like now.

Isn't that courage?

No. On the other hand, I think the fans understood me and hugged me a lot. The fans must have been confused at first. 'Why aren't you so nice? Isn't he too honest, unlike other celebrities? But anyway, I have a big heart for loving and loving myself, so I hugged and understood even that. So it is the opposite, quite the opposite. Instead of what I did, they hugged me.

However, many celebrities will communicate with the stereotypical image of a celebrity as you said. Doesn't it take courage to make extraordinary decisions?

It just came naturally. I am very grateful to the fans when they come to the film set, the airport or where they have a schedule. But I am always worried. I have a manager and staff, so I can go anywhere safely and quickly, but when I shoot early in the morning or late at night, when fans come to the film set, how do they get home? Usually if you are so worried, you would say, "It's too late, so be careful." Go home quickly. "Now the fans know. I'm not saying I don't like it.

In fact, I also joined Dongwook Holic (Naver Lee Dong Wook's official fan cafe).

Do you want to interview me?

I want to see the original interview material, but I have to upgrade to full membership to view magazine articles. I was promoted to a regular member because I posted a promotion request and responded as well. I came from the article just before the interview. Lee Dong Wook's article was published on the front. A letter asking to be promoted.

No, Lee Dong Wook joined Dongwook Holic, but he won't let him join. You can't see anything (laughs). So I was a bit upset.

When I signed up for Dongwook Holic, I received 8 responses in one day. You answered me today. Say "Welcome", "Let's go out".

The number of members has increased by one (laughs), they are the real driving force. I haven't had a birthday party since I was little. Usually I invite my children to kindergarten or school. But except once or twice, I hardly ever send it as a special birthday. After doing this work, thanks to the fans, I always become special, so just looking at it gives me a lot of strength.

What is Lee Dong Wook's greatest achievement? work or not.

Perhaps the greatest achievement was the cover of "Esquire."

Are you serious?

It's half joking and half serious. Making the cover of a men's magazine has a symbolic meaning. Because clearly no one is doing it. After "Goblin" ended, I was getting a lot of love, but when I got a cover offer for "Esquire", I thought I had reached the stage where she was recognized in the fashion world or in recognition.

I don't know where to put myself.

That's one example, and the biggest achievement I've seen so far is that I've been doing this for 18 years. There are only a few friends left in "School 2" with me. It reminds me of that. You've put up with it well though. You are persistently surviving.

I think that in itself symbolizes a lot. Surviving 18 years in any profession is admirable. What is the secret

To be honest, I never thought about that. Wasn't the secret of making what came?

Source: Esquire Magazine

Translation: Latin Fan Community


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