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1st Look Magazine

2020.09.15 | Interview

The news about Lee Dong Wook acting as Gumiho is already getting fans excited. This being an unprecedented character, how did you end up meeting this special new "male Gumiho"?

First of all, the script was really interesting. By chance I saw the previous work of writer Han Woori "Children of a Lesser God" before, and I thought that she wrote really well. So, I got the casting offer for "Tale of the Nine Tailed", and director Kim Shin Hyo put his utmost faith in me and supported me, so I decided to trust both of them and do my best. Gumiho's male character was unfamiliar, but they said that he would suit me very well for the role, so I decided to accept the challenge.

The general reaction is that if a male Gumiho really existed in this world, that being would definitely be Lee Dong Wook?

Although you should be grateful that there is such a high expectation, it is also a burden at the same time. I am doing my best to meet that expectation. Since people say that my outward appearance and vibe are suitable for a role like the Gumiho anyway, then I think it's definitely a good thing, right? Haha.

The character Lee Yeon is a Gumiho who was a mountain spirit from Baekdudaegan who later settled in the city. He is not an easy character judging from the background itself, so how did you understand and approach the character?

Based on my experience with "Goblin", it would be difficult to try to understand how this character lived his life since this is a fantasy genre. Let's think about what is written in the script, and the director will complement the rest during filming. I've been acting on these kinds of beliefs. The basic descriptions and attitude of this character, including his daily thoughts and emotions, are well written in the script, so I did my best to stay true to the script. Because the script itself was very detailed.

There is a strong emphasis on history that transcends this world and the hereafter. You previously acted as Blade Man and as a grim reaper, and now you are even acting as a mountain spirit that turns into a Gumiho. As an actor, what kind of experience is it when you play characters from the unknown world or non-human characters?

It's really interesting. Because I live as that character during the period that I am filming. I need to imagine things that I can't normally do, and it's fun to watch the process of this imagination come to life.

​After this project is finished, from Blade Man to Grim Reaper to a Gumiho, will the "Lee Dong Wook fantasy universe" be completed?

haha, I think so. In fact, I was suspicious of this too. After all, the character of the Grim Reaper in "Goblin" was very popular, I am concerned that there may be coincidences with Lee Yeon in "Tale of the Nine Tailed" in terms of external aspects or details, or if there might be a sense of déjà vu, so I did my best to exclude all of that. Being characters who have lived over a thousand years and come and go between the past and the present and between this world and the hereafter, it is not easy to show a variation. I'm trying my best, but I'm not sure how the audience will see this, so this will become my personal task.

This is the first time he has worked with Cho Bo Ah through "Tale of the Nine Tailed". What was your first impression of her?

The director, the screenwriter, Bo Ah and I met for the first time over a meal. When I first saw her, my first thought was that she was prettier than she looked on screen haha. And compared to the image of her on television, she was more logical and able to express her opinions well. I thought she was lovely and was sure that I will be able to discuss and work well on this project with her. Bo Ah is my youngest after all, and we also have a bit of an age difference, so I was worried if she would find me difficult or a burden, but there were many occasions during filming where I received encouragement or comfort from her as well. they are having a lot of fun filming. Haha, there are also a lot of action scenes that are physically exhausting, but Bo Ah always pats me on the back, and I'm very grateful for that.

How is the “Gumiho action” different?

Although Lee Yeon is a Gumiho, he plays the role of someone who judges the "dead illegal survivors" who roam this land and sends them to the afterlife. So there are a lot of times when he bumps into demons and ghosts, and those definitely don't involve ordinary action scenes. There are many moments when he has to show strength unimaginable to humans. So there's something I definitely want to say in this interview now, is that our stunt team really suffered a lot. They prepared everything in advance and rehearsed their movements from dawn. In fact, it is easy to get injured. Actually. A big accident could happen if you weren't careful, and there are many times when you could have ended up with more than just a broken bone.

Just hearing the casting news, we thought that Cho Bo Ah would definitely be the one to play the Gumiho, and Lee Dong Wook would be the PD or detective chasing her. The ability to break these conventional stereotypes will likely become the special charm of "Tale of the Nine Tailed."

Speaking of "Tale of the Nine Tailed", I certainly had the exact same thought as you. When our CEO told me that a casting offer had come in for this drama, I only listened to that part and said, “Ah, so this is a horror special? Will I be the one to play in front of the female Gumiho? "Then he said:"No, you are the Gumiho", "No, me?" And from that moment on I found it interesting. I also imagined that the gender would be something like that. like a romantic comedy, but that was not the case. It had elements of mystery and suspense, and the combination of genres seemed unique and interesting to me. Besides having a male character of Gumiho, the character Nam Ji Ah who haunts him is also very Charming and enterprising, she is a woman who tries to solve everything with her own strength and resolve, which was also an aspect that appealed to me.

Lee Dong Wook is already famous for his out-of-this-world good looks. Will you be able to meet that kind of visual expectation through "Tale of the Nine Tailed"?

In fact, I've thought over and over again about how I can capture the concept and create my character's style. Because, as always, there is not much basic information available when it comes to fantastic genres. Because it's written in the synopsis that he “uses his beauty to cast a spell on people”… basically I think I need to radiate a pretty sensual image. I dyed my hair a reddish brown, and while I don't usually pay much attention to my makeup in dramas, this time I'm even paying attention to expression. Since the director wanted me to wear clothes in drab colors, I tried to add some variety by using accessories like brooches and tie pins. I think it will be good if I pay close attention to this kind of thing.

There are objectives that the actors want to achieve in each job. Is there something that Lee Dong Wook wants to achieve, or is there a direction in which you want to step through "Tale of the Nine Tailed"?

This time I wanted to work on a project that is easier for more people and the general public to relate to. In fact, everyone is having a difficult and exhausting life this year. I hope that people can experience joy in a fantasy world when this drama airs. I also hope that our director will be more successful (laughs). Because he's really working really hard to film this. I also hope the same for my juniors who are performing with me. I also told Bo Ah "I hope this drama does well so that it will be useful in the next step of his career." This is also Kim Bum's comeback project after his departure from the military, so I hope he can have an even better future through this project. That's what I feel.

For the past 20 years, Lee Dong Wook has done a wide variety of projects and roles. Once you were a sweet third generation chaebol, then you became a wild baseball player; You were once a grim reaper with serious eyes, then you became a killer with an aesthetic soul. It seems that you are an actor who is very careful not to stick to the same image all the time.

During an interview for my 20th debut anniversary last year, I received a lot of questions about my choice of jobs and my filmography thus far, so I ended up thinking about it a lot. Looking at it now, it turns out that what I considered important was that I should not be satisfied with the current situation. I shouldn't get stuck. The thought of "Ah, the time to be satisfied with the present is over." I believe that being true to the present and looking to the future is important not only in acting, but also in my own life. It turns out that when I continually work hard to portray my characters differently, it also helps prevent my image from stagnating, which is fortunate. Despite being an actor for more than 20 years, the public is still waiting to see my shows. and that is probably also the reason why they select me. At some point, there are more and more young people when I go to the film set. I do not say things like "In my days ...", nor do I want to say those things, because what is the use of doing it. I don't think you have to stagnate in that regard either.

Now that he has entered the 21st year of his acting career today, Lee Dong Wook is still continually studying this job.

That's right, I keep doing it. And it is always difficult. In the almost 20 years of my career, I have had projects that have been successful and also projects that have failed, but the public will not remember all my shows. However, I feel a duty to always show a new character and a new work, and there is also a kind of pressure. These kinds of thoughts will persist as long as you don't quit this job.

Besides dramas, you've also faced challenges in various fields, including a one-man talk show and being a variety show MC, but nothing felt out of place, probably due to the hard work you put in. - Did Lee Dong Wook's change take place?

I am very curious and there are also many things I want to do. But there are things that I can do and also things that I cannot do. Hosting a talk show and radio or variety shows are things I challenged myself to. No matter the outcome, instead of presenting the exact same image of myself all the time, it has become a kind of duty for me to continually try and challenge something to present a new image, and it is interesting to me as well. Of course it is not easy. It is unknown and difficult. In fact, I don't have to do all of this. But because I stubbornly choose to do this, it causes controversy and people will talk about it, but this is a job that I chose, so this is something that I will have to put up with. The important thing is that I need to keep doing this anyway. Thanks to those activities.

However, there is still a thirst that has not been quenched, right? There is still more of Lee Dong Wook that has not been revealed and is still unknown to people, right?

Actually, I'm not really sure either. Although I have been acting for about 20 years, there are still many more genres and characters that I had not done before. Even on my 30th anniversary, if I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to be interviewed like this again, I hope I can say “I have a lot to do that I haven't done in the last 10 years”, 30th anniversary?" (Of course!) Haha. Actually, this is not something that can be said with certainty. In that sense, I will have to work harder. Because that's my responsibility… I'll work hard.

Source: 1st Look Magazine

Translation: Latin Fan Community


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